torsdag 27. november 2014

Turkish company transfers $1.582,000 to Somali Government as port revenue of a month

Tukish Albayrak Group, which manages the port of Mogadishu issued on Tuesday a statement about the achievements, has been accomplished in the past month.

Director General of the Al-Bayrak Group in Mogadishu, Mustafa Levent Adali said in the report that the Mogadishu seaport was making significant progress during the last month. Mustafa Levent Adali added that the Albayrak Group have transferred $1.582,000 million dollars to the federal government of Somalia, which he said is a huge progress was made ​​during in one month.

The Al-Bayrak Group‘s report noted that the economic development of the Mogadishu port came without increasing the cost of the merchandise, but also reduced more than 11%. Director general of the Al-Bayrak Group has shown that the income of the port will increase further in the near future, and the seaport will soon be modern.

At the end of September, the Turkish company took over the port of Mogadishu, Which created a stir in some circles port workers, as well as parliament rejected this company in April 2014. Al-Bayrak Gpoup is expected to be tabled before Somali parliament again, and it seems to win to manage the Mogadishu port, which is believed to be a spoil of income, that little was delivered to the government fund. Since August 2012, Al-Bayrak Group has been conducted much work towards rehabilitating the Port of Mogadishu and is still continuing.

Albayrak Group, had promised that without any conditions, they would be transferring 55% of the revenue from the Port to Somali government, as for the 45% revenue, which is left in the Group’s administration; it is reserved for the international promotion directed at increasing machine equipment investments, construction investments, new docks and port-based trade.

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